Crypto Whales VS Community

Nitin Dwivedi
2 min readJul 12, 2022

If you’ve been following cryptocurrency for the past few years, then you know that there are a few different things that can happen with the price of a cryptocurrency.

Isn’t it a funny meme 🤣

But do you know what Crypto Whales are? OR what they are capable of?

Crypto whales are the big players in the cryptocurrency world. They can make or break a project, and they’re usually anonymous.

Crypto whales are usually very wealthy people who buy up large amounts of cryptocurrency to sell at a profit. They are also known as “whales” because of their size and influence.

Whales tend to have money, so they can afford to buy lots of cryptocurrencies at once and then wait for them to rise in value before selling them off.

Crypto whales tend to be very private about what they do with their money, but some have been known to reveal themselves publicly when their projects get popular enough.

Crypto whales are typically more motivated than community members because they are looking for something that will give them an advantage over other investors (which is why they buy more). They also tend to be more patient than community members, since they know they won’t get their profits until after several months or years.

Crypto whales can sometimes cause price pumps or dumps by buying up as much as possible in an attempt to control supply for their profit margins to increase. This can be dangerous for everyone because it causes prices to rise too quickly or drop abruptly — and if you’re not prepared for either scenario, you could lose everything you invested!

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Nitin Dwivedi

A marketing professional with a data-driven orientation and a keen aptitude for the application of emerging technologies to grow businesses.